Our Team

Our team is comprised of people who are passionate about fire safety. Ourqualifications andrich experience allow us to do jobs ordered by our clientsreliably and competently . All our specialistsare top class experts in their disciplines, which is also confirmed by the fact that some members of our team are university lecturers who teachstudents about firefighting and fire protection.

Our team members are as follows:

mgr inż poż. Ryszard Dąbrowa 

MSc in firefighting

The owner of the company
Project manager

Specialist in public institution management. Firefighting officer with over 40 years of work practice in the industry supervising institutions which create fire safety systems in Poland

email: ryszarddabrowa@bhprevent.pl

dr inż. poż. Paweł Dąbrowa

EngD in firefighting  
Occupational Health and Safety Specialist

Expert in company’s fire safety management who implement solution systems that improve working conditions. The author of over 200 technical documents . University lecturer.

 email: paweldabrowa@bhprevent.pl

Waldemar Szklarz

Firefighting equipment sales and maintenance coordinator 
Company’s agent 

A retired firefighter who, for over 7 years, has been equipping buildings with necessary equipment that conditions fire safety. An experienced maintenance man

 email: waldemarszklarz@bhprevent.pl

inż. Piotr Kubica

A specialist in fire safety management

The specialist that deals with coordinating projects in progress. A fire safety coach who has taken part in training programs as a part of Polish development assistance in Ethiopia and Kenia.  A fire safety inspector.

email: piotrkubica@bhprevent.pl

dr inż. poż. Szymon Ptak

EngD in firefighting 

An expert in explosive risks (ATEX)

One of a few people in Poland who have qualifications and experience in explosion risk assessment and in implementation of systems that minimize the danger of explosion. A university lecturer.

email: szymonptak@bhprevent.pl

mgr inż poż. Krzysztof Wilamowski

MSc in firefighting

Sales departament manager

A specialist in safety equipment sales. Years of successful experience allow him to offer the best solutions in good price.

email: krzyztofwilamowski@bhprevent.pl

inż. poż. Mateusz Sutuła

BSc in firefighting

An expert in fireprotection

He has years of successful experience in giving opinions on passive fire safety installations . He consults projects and suggests solutions that can lower investment costs. He relies his work on Polish and foreign standards .

email: mateuszsutula@bhprevent.pl

mgr inż. poż. Tomasz Suracki

MSc in firefighting
Fire safety management specialist

An experienced specialist in fire safety and OHS. He makes an assessment of possible risks and dangers in the company and gives advice on what solutions to apply in order to minimize the risk. He runs courses and prepares documentation.

email: tomaszsuracki@bhprevent.pl

bryg. w st. spocz. mgr Andrzej Szymański

MSc, a retired firefighting officer

A fires safety management specialist
Explosion risks (ATEX) specialist

A firefighting officer with years of successful experience in assessing the risks of explosion . A chemist by trade, who uses his knowledge of fire protection management to the utmost. He helps, counsels and indicates proper fire safety systems in companies, in which there is a thereat caused by chemicals used.

email: andrzejszymanski@bhprevent.pl

inż. poż. Patryk Rogala

BSc in firefighting

Firesafety management specialist

An experienced specialist in fire safety and OHS. He analysis possible dangers that can occur in a company and gives advice on what solutions to implement in order to minimize the risk. He runs courses and prepares necessary documentation.

email: patrykrogala@bhprevent.pl

mgr inż. Agnieszka Olszewska


An architect, a specialist in evacuation plans.

 She carries out buildings’ inventory and provides the best solutions in evacuation management

email: agnieszkaolszewska@bhprevent.pl

technik poż. Konrad Szymkiewicz

A specialist in fire safety management, a paramedic

A coach and auditor with years of experience, he ran courses as a part of Polish development assistance in Africa. A firefighting technician and a paramedic by trade.

email: konradszymkiewicz@bhprevent.pl

mgr inż. poż. Piotr Dąbrowa

MSc in firefighting
An instructor and a fire safety specialist. 

He verifies fire safety conditions in a company and prepares and complies fire safety documentation .

email: piotrdabrowa@bhprevent.pl

Agnieszka Gabinet

Customer service department Accounting

She deals with customer service and our company’s accounting She updates data in our social media. She is responsible for company’s image.

email: obslugaklienta@bhprevent.pl

mgr Rafał Olszewski

Sales departament manager

A specialist in safety equipment sales . Years of successful experience allow him to offer the best solutions in good price.

email: rafalolszewski@bhprevent.pl


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